How to have a succesful interview?
How do you define a successful interview?
Well, for this time around, i would like to share my experience on how to get the job that you wanted and reaching the goal that you might have set. For someone who has experienced countless job interviews, i would say i know a bit or two on how to get yourself through an interview succesfully........
For this, i have come out with 4 Parts of getting yourself fit and ready ........ my style.
Part 1: Way Before an Interview
1. If you really are looking for job, then the 1st thing u need to do is to prepare your RESUME and make it as compact and as informative as possible (You can copy any format available to your through the internet but make sure its nicely presentable).
2. Then you would need to apply for job, else, how to get an interview......duh!
Below are the sites which you can go to ....
a. Jobstreet
b. JenJobs
c. JobsDB
d. Best Jobs
e. Star Jobs
f. JobIsland
e. Individual Company site who has its own job search. Eg. Agilent, Intel n etc.
a. Jobstreet
b. JenJobs
c. JobsDB
d. Best Jobs
e. Star Jobs
f. JobIsland
e. Individual Company site who has its own job search. Eg. Agilent, Intel n etc.
3. Besides getting ur 'bets' online, we have other methods as well and one of them is applying work through recruitment agency and please don't think about travel agency ok......Some people might have the idea that applying through them would land u in a contract basis job which you might not be the permanent staff at that customer site but don't be misled, although i can't say its totally untrue, but they do offer permanent job as well at certain company which forgo their service. So, you can try ask their help on this matter but make sure u state that you would not accept any contractual basis work and only permanent basis job. Below are some Recruitment Agency for your reference:
a. AllStaff
b. Adecco
c. And many more......
4. Another way to look for a job is through friends, through words and mouths among frens and if we are lucky enough then this might be able to land u a job. In certain circumstances, getting your friends to recommand you a job in his/her company may increase your chance in landing that ONE as most company prefer a colleague of theirs to rope in their friends instead of them landing a person out in the blue. This is because the staff would know this new person better rather then getting through the process of interviewing a stranger which would not always publish the correct personality to the interviewer. So, you better take note on this.
5. The last method is by sending in your resume as well as cover letter to the company using the old fashion way......mail......not email.....but posted mail.
You would be thinking, "what the heck is this guy talking about? We don't use this method already as we are in a technology era"..... well, you are rite in one sense and what i can say is that you can oways stop at step 4 but i would say, if you are desparate enough then this method still is a feasible way to move forward. Anyway, you got nothing to lose even this is your 5th method in getting the job you wanted.
Well, these methods listed down are all the mothods i used in the past and believe me.....it works and i hope you can consider it as well although its totally up to you on which method u want to use.
Bear in mind that all these are a continuous process until you manage to land yourself a job interview.
Points To Ponder
1. Sometime you would see that the requirement which was given out by the company requires you to have at least 2 years or 3 years of experience in the related field and you might not have that but don't fret or give up bcoz you can always try it out even you don't have that minimum requirement (but make sure its not an obvious case of difference like require 10 years but have only 1 year) set as we won't know whether there is any other so called hidden position that might suites us but not published out.
2. If u are a fresh graduate or someone who is desparate to look for a job, then my advice is don't be too choosy as this will only shrink your job scope. Only set ur mind on getting something that suites your career path or something which related to your experience instead looking for benefits and high salary. Remember, you are in no position to bargain on this. Just forgo the wealth for now as it will come later in future. What goes around, comes around.
I will continue with Part 2: Before Interview for this segment next week and hopefully it will be done by Sunday. Do stay tune till then.
Please leave comments if you think there might be other way besides the one listed above as i would be learning from it as well.
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