Hey guys, there are a few life style tips that i believe would be able to help us a lot in the current world economy uncertainty. For me, i believe this tips would help you but on the other hand, i too believe that you might have your own style in achieving the same goal and i really appreciate if you would share it with us by putting in your comment below.
Anyway, with the price of fuel going up and up, and prices of goods to follow the same trend, we may have to look at how we can manage our expenses. There are many ways we can save costs and improve our life style. The listed below item might not be able to cover all but at least it can give us some idea on what to do and what to expect.
1st Tip
Employers should take the lead to encourage cost savings. Encourage working from home – with the current internet technology; many types of work can be done at home. Allow employees to work from home one or two days each week, thus saving on travelling cost. Implement flexi-hours to allow employees to travel at non-peak hours. .... Smooth driving save fuel and cost. Accelerating and braking in heavy traffic waste fuel and brake pads as well as unproductive.
2nd Tip
Government and city councils should ban heavy vehicles on all roads during peak hours. These vehicles block roads and cause heavy fuel consumption on other vehicles.
3rd Tip
Cutting down on number of meals and quantity consumed. Many Malaysians (even children) are suffering from obesity problem due to over eating. Taking heavy meals is unhealthy and our digestive system has to work extra hard causing us to feel sleepy and unproductive at work. We are eating more than what we need to keep healthy.
4th Tip
Eat out less or bring home cooked lunch to work. You will definitely get better nutrition at lower cost. If you think that hawkers and restaurants are taking opportunity on price hike to increase their profits, this is the best way to boycott them. Instead of nasi kandar or fried koay teow, how about an apple or a banana for lunch and drink lots of plain warm water?
5th Tip
Cut down on unhealthy entertainment, for example. smoking, drinking, visiting pubs, etc. Visits to high end cafés should also be kept at minimum.
6th Tip
Have pot luck gatherings with friends instead, and cherish genuine friendship at family homes.
7th Tip
Take up new cheap/free entertainment that the whole family can enjoy, such as walk in parks/stroll along beaches, cycling or even hiking. Enjoy good exercise with nature and create a totally new healthy life style. Your family can truly enjoy better relationship and appreciate each other.
8th Tip
Avoid the wasteful "kenduri culture". It is unfortunate that some of our friends and relatives like to have grand kenduri weddings or whatever celebrations to outdo one another, and then send invitations(saman) to others to collect angpows(sponsor) their wasteful extravagance. Make it known to everybody that you are not part of this obsolete culture – times have changed.
9th Tip
Say NO to house renovation and buying new cars/expensive household items if possible. If it can still work with minimum maintenance, there is not a good reason to replace. Otherwise, these items will definitely burn a big hole in your wallet.
10th Tip
Expect higher crime rates when people are getting desperate – so please take all necessary precautions to cut/avoid losses. Criminals are like wolves; they prefer easier and attractive preys. Openly displaying wealth is not advisable. Some ladies even carry sticks or walk in groups with fierce dogs to discourage criminals.
11th Tip
Take shorter & cheaper local holidays, only if you must have it. Avoid holidays or peak periods to get better bargain.
12th Tip
Lastly, do not spend beyond your means. Credit cards are very expensive credit facilities. They are meant for emergencies only; if you do not carry much hard cash in hand. They are not meant for mid or long term borrowings. The compounded monthly interest is very high. Always ensure that you have sufficient cash to pay-off your credit card expenses each month.
I would say that you might disagree with what have been published here as you are entitled to your own view but at least this is the start of how aware we should be and if possible, will need your help also to publish your comments here.
Anyway, i will update sumore how to save money in our everyday life as we go on so do stay tune to this blog of mine.
PS: Contributor: Juvina Oh. (Email dated 19th June 2008)
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